Tuesday, December 14, 2010


To pick it up or put it down?

Throughout history, women have consistently been held to a different set of standards than men. Perhaps because women are women, or female, sets of rules governing and regulating issues such as the wearing of makeup, clothing preference, etc. developed around the second sex. Once the invention of makeup arrived within society, women were held against beauty standards in magazines and advertisements.

Today, however, many women choose to rebel against those standards set in place by society; they choose not to be confined. Women no longer cook in evening dressings like as in the movies of the 50s. This is why I have chosen MYLAAF's logo: I aim to poke fun at the notion of "Feminist Police," and hope that my readers will gain something from the concept of using or losing the lipstick. In this day and age, more and more women, feminists included, have begun to realize just how silly the campaign for beauty/ standard really is. Women no longer feel that they "need" the latest lip shade to be accepted by society -- and if they do rush out and purchase that lipstick, they are doing it for themselves, not for society, or for men.

Take this example from feministing.com, posted by Vanessa Valenti on December 7th:
http://feministing.com/2010/12/07/quote-of-the-day-brought-to-you-by-secretary-clinton/. The post quotes Secretary Clinton's response to the question "Which designers [of clothes] do you prefer?" Clinton strikes back: "Would you ever ask a man that question?"

Clinton, as a high-profile, one-woman bastion of power, is able to use her position as an example, proving to society that a double bind exists for women. The Obamas are no different. The President might dress snazzily, but there are a good handful of books out now telling women how to "Get Michelle Obama's Arms." With her answer, Clinton is able to prove that double standards are becoming irrelevant, as the majority of women tend to no longer buy into them.

Like Clinton, women everywhere are choosing to dispel the myth of beauty surrounding women; one need not wear makeup or designer clothes to feel beautiful. And, the real beauty comes form knowing that.

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