Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why We Need Feminist Coming Out Day

Why We Need Feminist Coming Out Day

Isabel Arenivar, Guest Blogger

The other day a friend of mine sent me a joke about feminism, saying that when he heard it he thought of me. Now, I don't usually mind hearing jokes about feminism, depending on the context of course, but something about this particular incident bugged me. I realized that it wasn't the joke that annoyed me, but the second part--that my friend immediately thought of me. I am happy to be known as an out-and-proud feminist. Being the token feminist, however, does not make me happy.

I know I'm guilty of this too. When I find a particularly interesting feminist-leaning blog post or news article, I'm more likely to send it to my few friends who also identify strongly as feminists than to, say, post it to Facebook. It’s easier to share things with people who you know will agree with you, rather than to open your opinions up to challenge. It can be frustrating to have to constantly explain and defend your beliefs about anything, let alone such an important, personal issue like feminism. So it’s incredibly tempting to take the easy, validating route and only share your feminist thoughts with other feminists.

However, this insularity does not allow us to build support for the feminist movement. Sharing a potentially controversial article with your non-feminist friends may invite conflict, but it will also initiate important conversations and the give you the opportunity to show others what feminism is really about. The feminist movement is plagued by stereotypes of the “typical” radical, militant, man-hating feminist, and the only way we can end those stereotypes is by showing people who we really are. This is why Feminist Coming-Out Day is so important. By publicly announcing that you are a feminist, you can help show the diversity and ubiquity of the movement.

While the official 2011 Feminist Coming-Out Day has passed, I encourage all who are reading this to make today your Feminist Coming-Out Day. I don't want to be the token feminist anymore, and you can help make that happen. Tell a friend or family member that you are a feminist and encourage them to do the same. Or go public! Instead of posting your bra color for breast cancer, use your favorite social networking platform to come out as a feminist. If we all come out of the woodwork, none of us will have to feel isolated or tokenized by our wish for equality, and maybe more people will be encouraged to evaluate their own beliefs about gender equality and come out as feminists too. I would love it if the next time my friend comes across a feminist joke his dilemma will not be whether or not he should send it to me, but rather which of his many feminist friends he should share it with.

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